Tuesday, March 29, 2011


耶稣,你是道路,真理,我的生命。 你让我不再挣扎,你让我不再惧怕死亡,因为你所做的一切,让我看见你的爱。我的手要指向你,因为你活着,因为你是复活的神!


Monday, March 28, 2011





上帝奇妙带领二人结成连理 母送圣经夫妻归向基督






带着信心奉献 神大大祝福手上的经营

1992年,东北的教会很少,福音并不复兴,但冯凯对信仰一直很热心,他一有时间就翻圣经、读圣经,靠着圣经生活,听一些他就照着做一些。我当时虽然还是 忙于赚钱,但是心里也开始慢慢接受福音。后来临近春节的一天,一个长老和一个教师找到我们说,“我们打算建教堂,你们可不可以做一些奉献?”

我们当时对奉献完全没有概念。我们手里有3万块钱,准备给员工发工资、春节回家看望老人还有第 一个孩子的生产费(因为当时大儿子快出生了)。钱对我们来说是很重要的,可是那个长老和教师就说需要3万块钱,我和冯凯相互对视了一下,心里想:“怎么可 能这么准呢?我们就只有3万块钱啊!是谁告诉他们我们现在有3万块钱呢?”我们俩都没有说话,但是心里还是有一种感动,趁他们吃饭的时候我们回到办公室, 商量一下该怎么办,最后决定祷告看看神是什么旨意,祷告完之后我们两个得到相同的感动——将3万块钱完全奉献,我们就带着很单纯的信心将3万块钱都奉献 了。

其实那时我们的生意并不太好,但是我们凭着对餐饮行业的热情,到处搜集经验,慢慢打拼,生意渐渐好转,最后变得非常好,以至于外面等餐的人排了长长的队 伍,里面的客人还没有吃完饭,外面下起大雨来的时候,这边的客人就主动打包带走,说给等在外面的顾客让座位。因着上帝的恩典,客人和我们之间形成了非常美 好的关系,是上帝带领他们对我们的认可和爱。

做了一年多的时候,我们祷告后就很想把酒店扩大,做一种民俗饮食文化,因为我很喜欢文化,一直都希望做一个具有某种文化特色的餐厅。当时冯凯家乡有一个很 大的房子(军区的),想以很低的价格租给我们,他离开家的时候跟家人有一个承诺,不向家人要一分钱,当时我们只有10万,有朋友主动借给我们8万(95年 的时候),东拼西凑之后总共有26万,然后就开始了2000平米的装修。




敉宁:因为生意很好,所以有人想要勒索我们,有一天前台经理收到一封匿名信,送信的人让他给冯凯,他觉得有些不对劲, 赶快去找冯凯,刚好冯凯推门进来,他很镇定的打开那封信,信是用左手写的,里面说让我们把钱放到一个地方,如果不送的话,在酒店里有3个炸弹会同时爆炸。 冯凯没说什么,直接就去了派出所我们离派出所非常近,所长跟他的关系特别好,问他“来了,给我们送什么来了?”,他说“炸弹”,吓得派出所的人都跑出去 了,问,“你怎么把炸弹送到这里来了?”,他说“我不送这里送哪里去了,你们要给我解决。”

当时他们刚花300万买了一个防爆的装置,就把搜出来的那个炸弹扔进去,等着它爆炸,可以等了好久也没有爆炸。找另外2颗一直没有找到。防爆专家研究那颗 炸弹的时候说,做这个炸弹的人非常专业,他肯定是军人,因为里面有7跟雷管,爆炸的话肯定整个酒店会被炸的粉碎,可是为什么没爆炸呢?原来就在距离爆炸一 分钟的时候电池没有电了。我们确信是神的手阻止了这次爆炸,因为这件事派出所的所长信主了。






2009年初,东北神学院因为学校设备非常差,房子基本上都是危房,安全部门要求他们必须搬走,他们当时换了一个新的校长,这个校长就跟学生们说,大家祷 告,冯凯有地,祈求神让他奉献。后来他们问他说,我们想用这个地来建神学院行吗?冯凯说,“行啊,我的生命就是神的,我为神家里做事情,有什么不行呢?”

虽然我们愿意奉献,但是审批的过程很复杂,还要更换户主神却通过一个我们根本无法想象的方法成就了这件事。有 一个信佛的人,他在规划局工作,跟冯凯认识了10年,对他的人品非常认可,对他的信仰很不认可。在神学院的人问冯凯之前,他就跟别人打赌说,如果冯凯真的 奉献这块地的话,我就相信这个世界真有神,如果没有神的话,这个人就是疯了。当冯凯答应奉献之后,他担心冯凯反悔,所以积极的帮助审批的工作,神就藉着这 个佛教徒批下来了这块地。

要建的东北神学院是要容纳2000名学生的,可是那块地没有水源,这就成为很大的问题。我们就为这件事祷告,有一天,冯凯去那块地立项目,那个佛教徒对冯 凯说,你不是把那块地奉献给神学院了嘛?我要把清河源的水引到那块地上去,让那块地不断的升值,让你后悔,现在每亩是60万,我要让它升到100万,让你 后悔。他的目的很明确,就是要让冯凯知道自己失去了多少财富。那个佛教徒所做的,却是他们天天祷告所要的。感谢主,冯凯在心里赞美神,依靠万军之耶和华是多么有力量,神叫万事互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处。


敉宁:冯凯是创业型的,我是守业型的,但是两个人都精力特别旺盛,什么事情都想做,所以彼此之间也常常吵架。冯凯出国 的话,我就会打电话安排人,送鲜花,给他一个惊喜。我去哪里的话,他也会给我一个惊喜,我们就属于总是想给对方惊喜的人,但是这个惊喜不是出于爱,而是想 证明我比对方强。开始争这个企业谁功劳大,彼此之间谁也不服谁。

后来有一个经商的姐妹,和我们一起做商人团契,她的企业经历了很大的危机,她告诉我说,我现在什么都不想做,我就想到深山老林里隐居起来,有些忧郁症。我 就跟冯凯说,这个姐妹出问题了,我们得帮助她。冯凯说,好啊。我们就邀请她参加我们的周三团契。本来是要帮助别人的,结果那天我和冯凯打起来了,打得不可 开交,要闹离婚。然后我们就分居了,孩子问,妈妈,你和爸爸怎么不住在一起呢?我敷衍说,为了祷告方便。冯凯还是希望和好,但是我还是固执地不想和解。
起来为主做事  夫妻关系开始和睦

敉宁:神就是这样奇妙,因为四川地震和建东北神学院的事情,我们夫妻之间的关系也变好了。因为他在向着神的方向走的时候,我看到了神赐予男人的责任、敢于承担重担和使命的心,让我对丈夫有了更多的尊敬和敬重。以 前我听到一个姐妹说,如果有来生,我还要嫁给我老公。我当时听了非常反感,觉得这个姐妹太没有骨气了。但是自从四川地震和建东北神学院之后,神把对丈夫的 爱和牵挂全放在我的心里,我每天为他祷告,后来我觉得我一个人祷告力量太小,就召集一大批姐妹们每天早上6:30到我家祷告,我每天早上6:00带着孩子 们为爸爸祷告,每次冯凯从外面回来虽然很累,但是总是说,感谢主,又有什么样的神的恩典,我能感觉到你为我祷告的力量,因为今天做的事情,说的话,根本就 不是我自己可以做到的,他自己可以很清楚的感觉到圣灵在他身上的工作,我们的感情越来越好。

以前我曾经对一个姐妹说,爱情不是一直都那么美好,当生活在一起的时间长了,四目以对的时候都会看到对方的眼屎和皱纹,但是当你抬头仰望主的十字架的时 候,你看到的是未来荣美的家乡,为了那个美好的家乡,我们没有时间在一起打仗,没有时间在一起纷争,争谁强谁弱,夫妻彼此之间的感情是非常真诚的。

我不想说我们的生意有多大,资产有多少,因为这是上帝的,我不去清算和数点。但是我知道当我们夫妻之间和睦的时候,就是我们的事业、家庭、信仰都蒙神祝福 的时候。如果夫妻之间不和怎么办?起来,为主做事,我相信一件事,就是你的心对,你所做的事情一定是对的;人不在于有多少钱,心穷,万穷,如果一个人拥有 万贯家财,但是每天担心钱没有了,每天生活在担心和忧虑中,成为钱的奴仆,那他的心是贫穷的,他的一切都会成为贫穷的;一个人即使没有多少钱,但是如果心 是富有的,做什么事情都是平安快乐的。

如果有人在承受着很大的经济的压力,请你一定要来到上帝的面前,因为这个世界是上帝创造的,他的目的是什么?就是要把所创造的世界万物给他的儿女,你如果 得不着是因为你没有盯在神上。如果你的眼睛盯着神,钱会跟着你走,如果你的眼睛盯着钱,你只能成为钱的奴隶。我丈夫一周7天忙于教会的事,我一周6天忙于 教会的事,但是我们酒店的经理人都是非常忠心的仆人,有一天冯凯非常感动,想要把企业80%的利润给他们,留下20%给企业,可是他们不同意,他们说如果 那样的话,企业怎么运转呢?最后他们达成协议,70%给他们,30%留给企业,因为他们看到了我们因为奉献得到的上帝的祝福,所以他们也希望把自己的人生 和财富奉献在有意义的事情上。

神的道是活泼的,主的轭是轻省的。为什么有时候我们的生活不是活泼的,也不是轻省的呢?是因为我们自己偏离了神的道,这个时候需要来到神的面前,去静静的 思考。走过这么多年信仰的道路,我总结出三条原则并且用这些教导我的孩子:再忙也要去教会;再穷也要奉献;再困也要早祷。


敉宁:我们的婚姻经历了3个阶段。第一个阶段是,心不服口不服;第二个阶段,口服心不服;第三个阶段,心服口也服,起 来做神的工作的时候,我不是服冯凯这个人,而是服他背后的耶稣。耶稣的爱让我们不能说不走这条顺服的道路,妻子顺服的时候,丈夫也在改变,不再像以前一样 大男子主义,他的心慢慢变得柔软,我的心也慢慢变得柔软。正是因为我们夫妻的改变,孩子也在慢慢改变。我的小儿子是一个很聪明但是没有自信的孩子,他的体 质很不好,但是爸爸常常拥抱他,说,儿子,我爱你,现在他也变得非常自信。孩子们之间也非常和睦。这个世界上不存在完美的家庭,因为人没有一个完美的,2 个不完美的人走在一起,不可能建立一个不完美的家庭。可是如果你们认识上帝,你们走的路是一样的,你们的生活就会越来越美好。上帝所赐给我们的福并不加上忧虑,我最后奉劝弟兄姐妹们,当你遇到很大的苦难的时候不要害怕,因为你只有经历这个你才能知道神的属性,神的力量,他关注你每个动作,关注你每个表情。































Sunday, March 27, 2011


“Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless . . . [and] the widow.” - Isaiah 1:17

「寻求公平,解救受欺压的,给孤儿(和)寡妇伸冤…。」 - 赛1:17

The sins of Judah were beginning to resemble those of Sodom and Gomorrah. God’s people didn’t understand the holy will of their God. Injustice against the weak and vulnerable was becoming rampant. God’s people thought they could make up for their sinful actions and appease God’s holiness by sacrificing animals and doing other religious rituals. But they continued in their evil ways of injustice and oppression against weak and vulnerable people. The society had become dominated by rich powerbrokers who thought nothing of accumulating wealth and gaining more clout over the poor and powerless. In addition, the judges and religious leaders did not condemn them but instead enjoyed their generous bribes and elaborate parties.

But those who are being trampled under the heel of oppression have God on their side. God doesn’t accept bribes. He doesn’t run a court open to bribery. And God expects nothing less of his people. Addressing the leaders of Judah, the prophet Isaiah said, “Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.”

That is our calling still today. Our practice of compassion and justice anticipates the day when the Lord himself will come in person to “give decisions for the poor of the earth” (Isaiah 11:4).




怎样证明圣经是上帝的话?请不要引用圣经 作者:唐崇荣



没有一本书像这本书影响过那么多的人,而被这本书影响的人很多不是普通的人物。丘吉尔是英国战时重要的首相,他说:“虽然很多人反对这本圣经,但是我知道有一本书能提高大英帝国百姓的道德,只有这一本,就是这本圣经。”英国最伟大的文学家约翰逊,他被称为英国文学之师,他死以前说了一句话:“Bring me the Book.”(把书拿给我。)人问:“Which Book?”(那一本书?)他说:“Stupib!The only Book is the Bible.”只有一本书把天地的始终交待清楚,这一本书把人的失败与成功秘诀都告诉我们,只有一本书使我们知道神的恩典与救赎的安排,只有一本书把真正道德圣洁的追求告诉我们。今天现代化的社会,把人类带到同性恋、吸毒合法化,许多很不公义的社会就要被民主所取胜,我告诉你,绝对化民主的结果:可能廿一世纪时,你的孩子吸毒却没有人可以告他,这样的民主下去,再过一两百年,很可能男与男结婚、女与女结婚,世界乱七八糟,爱滋病滋行全世界。民主如果没有用神的道来支持,是很危险的。





天堂地狱启示录by 卡特琳·巴斯德牧師



  卡特琳·巴斯德(kathryn baxter)是生在查哈奴加(chahanooga)美国东南部的田纳西州(tennessee)。她是在信主的家庭长大,当年纪还很小的时候,母亲就教导她关于主耶稣和他的救恩。


  在一九六五年期间,她和家人搬到美国密歇根州东南部的底特律(detroit,michigan),在那里住了一段时间。后来,她又搬到白里维 (belleville,michigan)。在那里,她开始从主得着异象。在密歇根州,她很顺服主的家庭的长老和领袖们,许多主的仆人、领袖和信徒都很赞赏她的事奉,她主持的聚会是着重圣灵的带领。在聚会中,有许多神迹发生,圣灵的恩赐也清楚的彰显。她全心、全意、全力地爱主,她最大的渴望是为基督耶稣拯救灵魂。












第一章  进入地狱参观




















第二章  地狱的左脚(生命源头注:燃烧的火坑)




  所有在地狱里的,他们的感官都是有效的,我感觉到四处都是恐惧,危机四伏。我每走一步都比前一步更恐怖。在隧道的上头,有许多如窗口一样的门,正在高速地开关不停,当那邪灵从那些门飞出通道时,它们发出喊叫声,这些喊叫声充满了空间。我们来到了这隧道的尽头,就踏上了一条路,路的两旁有很阔的地,我眼目所及的尽都是一坑坑燃烧着的火。每个坑有四尺阔三尺深,形状如碗。耶稣说:“在地狱的左脚,有很多象这样的火坑,让我们看一看其中的一些吧。” 我发觉自己是个灵的形体,样子是我本身的形状。我心中一直思念:不从我的心意,让你的旨意成就。







  以赛亚书66:24 他们必出去观看那些违背我人的尸首。因为他们的虫是不死的,他们的火是不灭的。凡有血气的,都必憎恶他们。

  马可福音9:47-49 倘若你一只眼叫你跌倒,就去掉他。你只有一只眼进入神的国,强如有两只眼被丢在地狱里。在那里虫是不死的,火是不灭的。因为必用火当盐,腌各人(有古卷在此有凡祭物必用盐腌)。



  我们来到第二个火坑,火坑的大小和第一个一样,我看到另一个灵魂在骷髅内,一个男人的声音从火坑里哀叫说:“主,求你怜悯我!”只有当那灵魂说话时,我才分辨出他是男人还是女人。这人很大声地哭嚎:“我很后悔,主啊,原谅我!带我离开这里啊,我已经在这里受折磨很多年了!我乞求你,让我出去!” 我看着主,他也在流泪,他向上仰望,然后说:“我的父,我的父,怜悯吧!”那人在燃烧着他的火中又喊叫说:“难道我还没有因我的罪受够苦难吗?自从我死后,已经在这里受苦四十年了!”主说:“经上记着说:‘义人必因信得生’所有嘲笑的人和不信的人都要被扔在火湖里。你生前不相信真理,有很多次,我派我的子民去指示你永生的道路,但是,你总不听他们的话,讥笑他们,不听福音,虽然我为你的罪钉到了十字架上,你却嘲笑我,不肯悔改你的罪行,我的天父给过你许多机会使你得救,若是你肯听就好了。”那人说:“我知道,我现在悔改!”主说:“太迟了,审判已经定了!”












  希伯来书3:15 经上说,你们今日若听他的话,就不可硬着心,像惹他发怒的日子一样。

  哥林多后书6:2 因为他说,在悦纳的时候,我应允了你。在拯救的日子,我搭救了你。看哪,现在正是悦纳的时候,现在正是拯救的日子。




Saturday, March 26, 2011



「你們要哀號,因為耶和華的日子臨近了!這日來到,好像毀滅從全能者來到。」 - 賽13:6






“Wail, for the day of the LORD is near; it will come like destruction from the Almighty. ” - Isaiah 13:6

Is the world out of control? Anyone who listens to the news might think so. The bus of world history seems to be careening down a mountain road with no one at the wheel. If that’s your fear, take a look at the snapshot from ancient history in today’s passage.

God used pagan nations to bring judgment on his people. But God is consistent in his character and in his actions. Babylon, which served as God’s instrument of punishment, is no better than Israel or Judah. It too must be judged for its sin. The Lord says, “I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless.”

Later, the interests of God’s justice would be carried out through yet another people, the Medes: “I will stir up against them the Medes . . . . Babylon . . . will be overthrown.” The Medes in turn would also be humbled by God and used to assist the remnant to return to prepare for the coming Immanuel (see Daniel 8-9).

Our Lord is the God of history. He has, then and now, clear intentions about where the world is headed. The destination is his kingdom of shalom (peace and well-being for all). If you are a citizen of that kingdom today, you can find confidence in knowing that God works all things for this ultimate good (see Romans 8:28).

Friday, March 25, 2011













(14)这个预言在末时要重演(末时到来之前,福音也会传遍天下。)耶路撒冷毁灭之后,针对进入末时代的征兆的预言都已发生了,末时代就开始了,这个时代正是福音要传遍天下的时代,什么样的福音呢?永远的福音,是叫人遵守诫命的福音,叫人信而得救的福音,这样的福音要传遍天下。 (15)③现在我们已经知道了福音在耶路撒冷毁灭之前已经传遍了天下。用同样的方法,福音在我们这个时代也会传遍天下。

福音最开始传遍天下是五旬节圣灵沛降的事件,徒1:8;2:1-11节(略)这里耶稣对门徒说:“如果圣灵降在你们身上,你们就必得着能力。”(16) “得着能力”是不是能去治病?去说方言?当然这些也包括其中,但是更重要的是你们将要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,成为我的见证。圣灵降临的原因是什么呢?是为了传播福音,是为了正确地见证耶稣,这就是得圣灵的理由。得着圣灵之后,就可以见证耶稣是怎样的一位,借着这样的生活来教导人。


Thursday, March 24, 2011

【转】 日本地震:引发对圣经预言的思考。


《路加福音》 21:9 你们听见打仗和扰乱的事,不要惊惶,因为这些事必须先有,只是末期不能立时就到。”
《路加福音》 21:10 当时,耶稣对他们说:“民要攻打民,国要攻打国,
《路加福音》 21:11 地要大大震动,多处必有饥荒、瘟疫,又有可怕的异象和大神迹从天上显现。
《马太福音》 24:6 你们也要听见打仗和打仗的风声,总不要惊慌,因为这些事是必须有的,只是末期还没有到。
《马太福音》 24:7 民要攻打民,国要攻打国,多处必有饥荒、地震。
《马太福音》 24:8 这都是灾难的起头。



《提摩太后书》 3:16 圣经都是 神所默示的,于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的,





《提摩太后书》 3:1 你该知道,末世必有危险的日子来到。
《提摩太后书》 3:2 因为那时人要专顾自己、贪爱钱财、自夸、狂傲、谤渎、违背父母、忘恩负义、心不圣洁、
《提摩太后书》 3:3 无亲情、不解怨、好说谗言、不能自约、性情凶暴、不爱良善、
《提摩太后书》 3:4 卖主卖友、任意妄为、自高自大、爱宴乐、不爱 神,


《马太福音》 23:33 你们这些蛇类、毒蛇之种啊!怎能逃脱地狱的刑罚呢?
《希伯来书》 9:27 按着定命,人人都有一死,死后且有审判。


人类的生存和繁衍是伴随着灾难前行的。史前那场波及北半球大部分地区的洪水,使人类遭受了灭顶之灾;黑死病肆虐欧洲几百年,吞噬了欧洲2/3的人口:庞贝城、里斯本、芝加哥、东京都曾经被地震或火灾毁灭过……进入21世纪,那些古老的灾难一一地震、海啸、洪水、火山爆发……依然威胁着人类;高科技、信息技术的井喷般迅猛发展,又衍生出了新型的灾难,比如2008 年汶川大地震和波及全世界的金融海啸、威胁地球的厄尔尼诺现象、诡异且破坏力极强的计算机病毒、世界黑色石油危机的迷雾、环境污染等等,同样极为严重地威胁着人类的生存和发展。面对这些震撼世界的大灾难,人们一次次陷入了深深地思索。


3月11日,日本以东海域发生强烈地震并引发巨大海啸,宫城县大量房屋、汽车被洪水冲毁。 3月11日,日本以东海域发生强烈地震并引发巨大海啸、、、、


天國文化特會 (吳建豪 璽恩等多位基督徒藝人)



 在流行歌坛一片的女声当中,基督徒艺人范玮琪坚持以民谣为底,一点点R&B,一点Soft Rock的“范范式”民谣风,让她在美女如云的歌坛脱颖而出。几年来,她先后推出了《范范的世界》、《太阳》、《最初的梦想》、《一比一》、《我们的纪念 日》等专辑,芝麻开花节节高。被称为氧气歌后的偶像歌手范玮琪主演的40集都市爱情偶像剧《醋溜族》,是倍受中国青少年关注的,也是继《粉红女郎》、《双 响炮》后又一部改编自朱德庸的同名漫画作品的电视剧,影响十分广泛。



当被问及创作的歌曲哪一首最付诸心力时,范玮琪毫不犹豫地回答说《黑白配》。这是她写给同是基督徒的男友——“黑人”陈建州的爱的宣言。歌词唱道“谁说不能黑白配,世界上没有什么事,能够如此得绝对。曾经有人这样唱过,白天它不懂夜的黑,你却懂得我的美 ……你有时会说,我们不配,只要能依偎,真的真的我什么都无所谓。钢琴也是黑白键,一样能弹出我对你,只有满满的感谢……”范范说,“成为艺人后,常常被媒体关心我的感情生活,我就在想,与其用说的,不如用唱的。这也是我对感情生活很诚实的作品。”她言语中幸福满溢。

黑人-陈建州总是充满了活力与自信,黝黑的脸庞带 着亲切的笑容,然而很少人知道,在黑人的笑容背后,他曾经历父亲空难过世、袭警鬼混、运动伤害被迫退出球场的人生考验,但他没有被这些困境击倒,因女友范 玮琪的影响成为基督徒,以乐观开朗的积极态度,重新面对人生,成为广受年轻人欢迎的全方位艺人。黑人特别珍 惜生命中领受到的爱,也乐意把这份从天上来的爱散播出去。他不但积极参与公益活动,还随着“世界展望会”去探访非洲贫童,甚至替一位萍水相逢的苦学生缴交 辅导学费。因为他深知道,唯有生命中有爱,才能使他从艰难中安然走过,而他,也乐意把这份爱传发到世界的每一个角落。


据该期《天下女人》编导手记介绍,范玮琪给剧组留下的深刻印象就是她的谦卑和礼貌。在节目录制之前,杨澜过来和范玮琪先见面简单聊聊,范玮琪正在试穿录制 节目要穿的鞋子,站起来和杨澜说话,马上脱了鞋打赤脚站在地上,然后说:“对不起,刚才不礼貌。”原来范玮琪是觉得比杨澜高了,不礼貌。范玮琪一米七几的 身高,加上高跟鞋就比杨澜高了快半个头,所以马上脱了鞋赤脚站在地上。



《马太福音》 6:19 不要为自己积攒财宝在地上,地上有虫子咬,能锈坏,也有贼挖窟窿来偷; 
《马太福音》 6:20 只要积攒财宝在天上,天上没有虫子咬,不能锈坏,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷。
美国富翁比尔·盖茨和梅琳达·盖茨夫妇,以及沃伦·巴菲特日前倡议全美的亿万富翁宣 誓,在有生之年或死后将自己的一半家产捐给慈善机构。这被称为是“日落条款”,规定捐赠人应设定一个最后期限,届时他们或者其继承人必须将资产直接支付给 慈善机构。这或将改变整个慈善事业的面貌,亦激发对“裸捐”的新讨论。


[转帖]比尔·盖茨和巴菲特是真正的“共产主义者” 0
巴菲特和盖茨夫妇在过去的1年里与美国富人举行了一系列的餐会,希望促使他们做出慈 善承诺。他们称这种活动为“慈善誓言”,并要求做出承诺的富人在有生之年捐献至少50%的财富,或者在死后以书面的形式公开表明他们的决定。“慈善誓言” 网站上称,这一数目“是可以理解并可以达成的,很多人最后捐出的款项甚至可能超过这一比例。”


去年3月的时候,比尔·盖茨在奥马哈市机场附近的一家餐厅和巴菲特共进午餐,最后巴 菲特买单。美国媒体称,这家名为“好莱坞餐厅”的店很可能在史书上留下一笔,因为就是在那里,那两人兴起了提倡富翁捐款的念头。随后,他们便请大卫·洛克 菲勒出面举办一次宴会。到了去年5月,便有消息称,盖茨和巴菲特在纽约组织了一场美国亿万富翁的秘密餐会,纽约市长布隆伯格和“名嘴”奥普拉·温弗瑞等名 人悉数到场,而餐会的主题就是慈善事业。
在那场聚会中,盖茨夫妇和巴菲特开始了有史以来最大规模的募捐活动。不过,这个愿望 并没有在纽约的那场宴会上立即形成具体的计划,随后他们还举行了另外两场未经公开的聚餐。盖茨夫妇和巴菲特最后设立了一个目标:从超级富豪下手,也就是福 布斯富豪榜上列出的最有钱的400位美国人,请他们宣誓,在有生之年或者死后至少捐出50%的家产,用于慈善事业。


据悉, 6月16日当天已有4个家族同意发表誓言,他们是房地产和建筑业大亨埃里·布洛德、风投资本家约翰·杜尔、媒体大亨格里·伦菲斯和前思科系统董事长约翰·莫格里奇。
欧米茄顾问基金的列昂·库珀曼认为: “我们所有人都有回馈社会的道德义务。”
达拉斯小牛队老板马克·古班称: “每个人必须做出对他们最好的决定。”
投资者和保护动物权利激进分子集一身的加里·迈克尔逊表示: “我不会 (签署誓言),因为我不想成为公众人物,那会让我难堪。”


微软创办人比尔·盖茨 累计捐款数额:380亿美元(其中100亿美元为已承诺捐款)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


1994年2月8日,《世界新闻周刊》(Weekly World News)率先发表这张照片,并报导了女研究员梅森博士(Marcia Masson)的这项发现。
美国太空总署分析家惊呆了,他们都不敢相信自己的眼睛。"经过检查和再检查,他们的结论是‘图像是真的'。他们还推论,那个城市不可能是由我们已知的生命 在居住。"梅森博士引述美国太空总署内部专家的话:"因为就我们所知,人体生命是不可能存在于一个冰冷的、没有空气的太空中。"梅森博士说:"我们发现的 是上帝居住的地方。"
1993年,美国太空总署还曾接受教皇约翰.保罗二世(2005年去世)的要求,将照片传给他。由于美国太空总署拒绝对《世界新闻周刊》的照片报导作出评 论,所以梵蒂冈方面低调处理保持沉默。但太空总署专家们承认,美国太空总署"已发现到一些有可能改变未来全人类思维和信仰的东西了"。
获得太空总署那一张照片副本的梅森博士认为,拍摄到神的世界绝不是偶然的,她说:"歪打正着,超级好运之下,美国太空总署哈勃望远镜瞄准了特定的地点,在 特定的时间里拍摄到了这些照片。宇宙那么广阔,所有地方都是美国太空总署可以拍摄探索的对象,为何会偏偏选中那里呢?我没有特定的宗教信仰,但是我并不怀 疑是一种神秘的力量,让哈勃望远镜对准了某一个特定的太空位置。"
被许多人尊为最伟大的科学家爱因斯坦又是如何看待神学的?在一次访谈中,爱因斯坦说:"有些人认为宗教不合乎科学道理。我是一位研究科学的人,我深切知 道,今天的科学只能证明某种物体的存在,而不能证明某种物体不存在。因此如果我们现在还不能证明某种物体的存在,并不能断定它就是不存在。"

--- (6th Testimony) ---

Psalms 62:12 "And Thee, O Lord, belongs covenant love, for Thou rewardest every man according to his work"
On the morning the Lord visited us in that room, He took us by the hand and we started to go down.  My heart was totally full of fear, I can't even describe it.  I just knew that I could not loosen the hand of my Savior.  I felt that Jesus was my Life and my Light and all my hope was in Him; otherwise I would be left behind in that place.  I never thought that I would ever go to that place.  I didn't even believe such a place existed.  Even as a Christian, I had always thought that purgatory was Hell, but God showed me the reality of Hell. 
When we arrived in Hell, I felt the place shook.  And all the demons there ran to hide, because not one of them could endure the presence of the Lord.  We heard the captive souls shout even louder, because they knew that Jesus of Nazareth was there.  They all knew that there was just one person that could possibly get them out.  They had that hope, even though it was a false hope.
We walked hand in hand with Jesus, and arrived at the section of fornication.  Jesus turned to look at a woman who was totally covered with the fire.  When Jesus saw her, she started to go out slowly from the fire, although her sufferings never stopped.   We could see she was totally naked and saw all of her physical characteristics.  Her body was totally dirty, and she stunk.  Her hair was all messed up, and she had a yellowish green mud on her.  She had no eyes and her lips were falling to pieces.  She had no ears, just the holes.  With her hands, which were bones charred black, she took the flesh that was falling from her face and tried to put it back on.  But this gave her even worse pain. 
She then shook and shouted even more; her shouts never ended.  She was full of worms, and there was a serpent wrapped around her arm.  It was very thick and had thorns around its body.  She had the number 666 engraved on her body; the number of the Beast mentioned in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 13:16-18)  She also had a metal plate embedded on her chest, made from some unknown metal, it was never consumed by the fire.  On the plate was something written in a strange language, but we could understand what was written on it.  It read, "I am here because of fornication.
When Jesus saw her He asked her, "Elena, why are you in this place?"  While Elena was answering the Lord her body twisted with the pain of her torments. She said that she was there because of fornication.  She asked the Lord for forgiveness over and over again. 
Then we started to see the event of her death.  When she died, she was having sex with one of her lovers, because she thought that the person she was living with was gone on a trip.  However, he came back from his job and found her in bed with someone else.  He then went to the kitchen and took a big knife and stuck it in Elena's back.  She died and was taken to Hell, exactly the way she died; totally naked. 
In Hell, everything materialized and she still had that big knife in her back, causing her great pain.  By this time, she had already been in Hell 7 years and she could remember each moment of her life and death.  She also remembered when someone tried to preach to her about Jesus; that He was the only one who could save her.  But now it was too late for her and everyone else in Hell. 
The Word of the Lord talks a lot about fornication, and it is very clear.  Fornication is having sexual relationships outside of marriage.  1 Corinthians 6:13 "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will destroy both of them.  Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body."  also in 1 Corinthians 6:18 "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body."
When Jesus finished talking with her, she was covered with a big blanket of fire and we could no longer see her.  But we heard the sound of her flesh burning and those horrifying screams, I can't even describe them with words.
As we continued to walk with the Lord, He showed us all the people there: the idol worshipers, those who used and practiced witchcraft, the immoral, adulterers, liars, and homosexuals.  We were very scared, the only thing we wanted to do was leave.  But Jesus kept saying that it was necessary to look so we could tell others, so they might believe. 
We continued with Jesus, holding His hand even tighter.  We came to a section that really made an impression on me.  We saw a young man, 23 years old, suspended waist-high in the middle of a fire.  We couldn't see exactly what his torment was, but the number 666 was engraved on him.  He also had a metal plate on his chest that read, "I am here for being normal."  When he saw Jesus, he extended his hand towards Jesus begging for mercy.  The Word of God says in Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death."
When we read the plate that said "I am here for being normal", we asked the Lord, "Lord, how come!?  Is this possible that a person can come to this place for this reason?"  Then Jesus asked him, "Andrew, why are you here in this place?"  He answer, "Jesus, when I was on Earth, I thought that just killing and stealing were sins, and that is why I never tried to get close to you."  In Psalms 9:17 is says "The wicked shall be turned into Hell, all the heathen that forget God."
Andrew made a big mistake by classifying sins, like many people do today.  The Bible is very clear when it says that the wages of the sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. (Romans 6:23)  Further, when the Bible talks about sin, it never classifies sins, because all of them are just sins.  Andrew had the chance to know and accept Jesus but he didn't take the opportunity that God had given to him.  Maybe he had a thousand opportunities to know the Lord, but he never wanted to know Him and that was the reason he was there.  Then a big blanket of fire covered his body and we never saw him again.
Falling into HellWe continued walking with Jesus.  In the distance we saw something falling down, like chunks of material.  When we got closer, we saw that it was people that were falling into Hell at that moment.  People that just died on the Earth without having accepted Jesus Christ in their hearts, they were arriving in Hell. 
We saw a young man, many demons ran towards him and began to destroy his body.  Immediately his body began to fill with worms.  He shouted, "No!  What is this? Stop!  I don't want to be in this place!  Stop it!  This must be a dream!  Take me out of this place!"  He didn't even know that he was dead, and that he died without Jesus in his heart.  The demons were making fun of him and always tormenting his body.  Then the number 666 appeared on his forehead, and a metal plate on his chest.  Even if we couldn't see the reason he came to Hell, we knew for sure that he would never get out again. 
The Lord told us that the torments of all these people in Hell would be even stronger on the day of the Judgment.  If they are suffering in such a terrible and horrifying way now I can't  imagine how will they suffer after the day of the Judgment. 
We didn't see any children there.  We just saw thousands and thousands of young people; men and women of many nationalities.  Nevertheless, in hell there are no more nationalities or social levels, all come to be tormented and punished.  There was one thing that everybody wanted, and that was a chance to go out, at least for a second. They also wanted to have one drop of water to refresh their tongues, like the story of the rich man in the Bible. (Luke 16:19)  But this wasn't possible anymore, they choose where they wanted to spend their eternity.  They decided to spend it without God.  God never sends anyone to the Hell, everyone arrives there according to their own acts.  In Galatians 6:7 "Make no mistake, God will not be mocked.  What a person sows, he will reap."
Today you have the great opportunity to change your eternal destiny.  Jesus is still available now, and the Bible says that while we have life we also have hope.  Today you have life, don't miss this opportunity, it can be the last one. 
God bless you.

--- (5th Testimony) ---

The Word of God tells us in Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord"
When we went down there, I felt the pain and experience of being dead.  I was very frightened by what I saw.  I realized there were many, many people there; all were shouting and crying out.  It was total darkness, but with the presence of the Lord, the darkness disappeared.  We saw thousands and thousands of souls all crying out for help and mercy.  They cried out to the Lord to take them out of that place.  We also felt great pain because we knew the Lord suffered tremendously whenever He saw them. 
Many cried out to the Lord to take them out just for a minute, just for a second.  The Lord would ask them, "Why do you want to go out?", and they would answer, "Because I want to be saved!  I want to repent and be saved!"  However, it was too late for them.
Dear people that are listening to me now, now is the only opportunity to choose our eternal destination.  You can either choose an eternal place of salvation, or an eternal place of condemnation. 
We went down further.  I saw that the floor we were walking on was being destroyed by fire; mud and flames were coming out of it.  There was also a terrible smell everywhere.  We felt so upset and nauseous from the smell and the shouts of all the people. 
Soul trapped in burning mudWe saw a man, far away, who was waist deep in burning mud.  Whenever he took out his arms, the flesh from his bones would fall off, into the mud.  We could see a grey mist inside his skeleton, so we asked the Lord what it was.  This type of mist was in every person in hell.  The Lord told us it was their souls trapped inside of a sin body; like it is written in Revelation 14:11 "And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name."
We began to understand many things that we had been ignoring on Earth; most importantly, the clearest message was that our lives on Earth determine where we spend eternity. 
As we walked hand in hand with the Lord, we realized the Hell had many different places with various levels of torment.  We came to a place with many cells which contained tormented souls.  The souls were being tormented by many types of demons.  The demons would curse the souls, saying, "You cursed wretch, praise Satan!  Serve him like you did when you were on Earth!"  The souls suffered terribly from the worms; and the fire was like an acid over all their body. 
We saw two men inside one prison cell, each had daggers in their hands and were stabbing each other.  They would say to each other, "You cursed wretch!  It's because of you that I'm here!  You made me come here because you blinded me to the truth and didn't let me recognize the Lord!  You didn't let me receive Him!  Many times I had the chance and you didn't let me accept Him!  That is why I'm here, tormented day and night!
Through a vision, the Lord showed us their lives on Earth.  We saw them in a bar together.  An argument started which lead to a fight.  They were already drunk.  One of them took a broken bottle and the other pulled out a knife.  They fought until each one was mortally wounded and died.  The two men were doomed to repeat that scenario forever.  They were also tormented by the memory that they had been best friends on the Earth, like brothers in their love for each other. 
I want to tell you today, there is just one real friend, and His name is Jesus of Nazareth.  He is the real friend.  He is the faithful friend, who is with you at every moment.
As we continued walking and we saw a woman inside another cell, she was rolling over in the mud.  Her hair was all messed up and full of mud.  Inside the same cell was a big and fat snake.  It move close to her, surrounded her body, and went inside of her starting with her lower parts.  She was forced to have sexual contact with that snake.  In that place all the men and women that lived in fornication were forced to repeat it there.  However, they had to do it with snakes covered with 6 inch spikes.  The snake destroyed her body every time it went inside of her.  She cried out to the Lord and asked Him to stop it.  She did not want to suffer any more. "Make it stop!  I won't do it again!  Please!  Make it stop!" she begged the Lord as the snake came inside and destroyed her body over and over again. 
We tried to cover our ears to her cries but we could still hear her.  We tried even harder to cover our ears, but that didn't help.  We said the Lord, "Please Lord we don't want to see and hear to this anymore!  please!"  The Lord said, "It is necessary that you see this, so you can tell the rest, because my people are being destroyed, my people are ignoring the true salvation, the true road to the salvation."
We continued walking and we saw a giant lake with thousand and thousands of people in the midst of flames.  They waved their hands asking for help, but there were many demons flying over that place.  These demons used spears with S-curved spearheads to hurt all the people burning in that lake.  The demons mocked and cursed them saying, "You cursed wretch!  Now you must worship Satan!  Praise him, praise him as you did when you were on the Earth!"  There were thousands and thousands of people.  We were so scared, we felt that if we did not hold the Lord's hand we would be left in that horrifying place.  We were terrified from the things we were feeling.
In the distance we saw a man standing up, who was very great pain and agony.  He had two demons flying over him, tormenting him.  They would dig their spears inside his body and take out his ribs.  They also made fun of him all the time.  Even further, the Lord showed me that he was tormented from always worrying about the family he had left on the Earth.  The man didn't want his family to arrive in the same place of torment.  He was worried because he never gave them the message of salvation.  He was tormented because he remembered that they once had the chance to receive this message.  He was a very important person to give this message to his family, but he preferred to ignore it, and now he was worried about his sons and his wife. 
The torment continued as the demons cut off his arms, he fell into the burning mud.  Because of the pain from the burning mud, he wiggled like a worm from one place to another.  His flesh fell from his bones because of the heat.  He then started to slither like a snake, trying to get out of there.  But every time he tried to go, the demons pushed him back and he went deeper inside the mud.
We then saw a number of demons in one place.  Something caught my attention, I noticed that one of the demons was missing a wing.  I asked the Lord, "Lord, why is this demon missing one wing?"  The Lord said, "That demon was sent up to the Earth with one purpose, but he did not accomplish his task, and he was cast back to Hell by one of the servants of God.  Then Satan came and punished him, and cut off one of his wings."  Then we understood that as Christians, we have all authority and power in the Name of Jesus to cast out all demons and principalities. 
Dear friends that are listening these words right now, this testimony is not for condemnation but salvation; so you can test yourself and see the condition of your heart before the Lord.  This is so that you can change your ways, for salvation and not for condemnation.  Right now, lift your heart before the Lord and confess your sins, so if the Lord came at this moment you could go with Him instead of going to that place of torment where there is crying and gnashing of teeth.  There, you will really understand why Jesus paid such a high price at Calvary's cross. 
We saw many people in Hell who were ignorant of why they were there.  Their lives were full of activities that they didn't think were sins.  Dear friend, test yourself!  Do not think that lying, stealing, being vain are okay things to do!  These are all sin before the eyes of the Lord!  Dear brothers, turn away and stop doing these things!  I'm giving you this message so you can stop willfully sinning, and look even more to the face of the Lord.

--- (4th Testimony) ---

God bless you brothers.  When the Lord took my hand, I could see that I was standing on a rock, and behind us, I saw an angel.  We began to go down through a tunnel with incredible speed.  Quickly, I turned and saw that the angel was gone, and I felt so afraid.  I asked the Lord, "Lord, where is the angel?  Why is he not here anymore?"  The Lord said, "He cannot go where we are about to go.
We continued downward and then stopped abruptly, like an elevator.  I saw several tunnels; and we went through the one my sister Sandra spoke about.  The tunnel where people were hanging off of hooks by their heads, with shackles on their wrists.  The wall that had people on it seemed infinitely long.  Millions of people were hanging on it.  They had worms all over their bodies.  I looked ahead and saw that there was another wall, exactly the same as the other.  I said to the Lord, "Lord!  There are so many people in this place!"  Instantly, a scripture verse entered my mind; one that I did not recognize.  The Lord told me, "Hell and Sheol are always hungry."  (Proverbs 27:20)
Cauldron of fireWe left there and soon arrived at a place we called, "The Valley of the cauldrons".  These cauldrons were full of a boiling mud, and we got close to one of them.  The first person that I saw was a woman.  Her body floated and sank with the boiling mud, but when the Lord looked at her, she stopped moving and remained suspended in the mud at waist-level.  The Lord asked, "Woman what is your name?"  She answered, "My name is Rubiella.
Her hair was full of boiling mud and flesh hung from her bones, which were charred black from the fire.  Worms entered through the holes of her eyes, came out from her mouth, entered again through her nose and exited her ears.  When the worms could not enter, they simply made a hole to enter the other parts of the body, which caused indescribable pain. 
She shouted, "Lord, please!  Take me out of this place.  Have mercy on me!  I can not continue like this any longer!  Make it stop Lord!  I can not stand it any more!  Please have mercy on me!"  The Lord asked her why she was there.  She said she was there because of vanity, which was the same word written on the metal plate on her chest.  In her hand was a normal looking bottle, but to her it appeared to be a very expensive perfume.  Rubiella had to take the bottle, which was full of acid, and spray it all over her body.  This caused, all the flesh that was sprayed to melt, causing her great pain. 
She shouted to the Lord, "Lord please, have mercy on me!  I can not be here any longer! Just a single second Lord."  I am not saying that it is a sin to use a perfume, but the Lord told us that the woman was there because of her perfume, as the Word of the Lord tells us in Deuteronomy 5:7 "You shall not have other gods before me." She was there because her beauty, perfumes, and vanity were first place in her life.  However, the Lord Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords!  He has to be the first in your life; that is why she was there.  With sadness, the Lord looked at her and said, "Rubiella, it is too late for you, worms shall be your bed, and worms shall cover you."  When the Lord said that, a blanket of fire totally covered her.  While her body was being consumed inside that cauldron, she suffered horrible pain.
We then got far away from there and arrived at a place with giant doors.  As we approached them, they opened for us.  On the other side we saw a giant cavern.  As I looked up I saw different color lights were moving like a cloud of smoke.  Suddenly, we heard music; salsa, ballenato, rock, and different kinds of popular music that people hear on the radio.  The Lord made a movement with His hand, and we saw millions and millions of people hung up with chains in their hands.  They were jumping wildly over the fire.
The Lord looked at us and said: "Look, these are the wages for the dancers."  They had to jump wildly up and down to the beat of the music.  If salsa was playing, they had to jump to that beat, if any other kind of music was playing, they had to jump to that beat.  They could never stop jumping.  But worse than that, their shoes had 6 inch spikes on the bottom.  Whenever they jumped it would pierce their feet, and they never had a moment's rest.  When someone would try to stop, demons would come at once and stab them with spears, cursed them, and saying, "Praise him!  This is your kingdom now, Praise Satan!  Praise him!  You can't stop, praise him!  Praise him!  You have to praise him!  You have to jump! You have to dance!  You can not stop one single second.
It was terrible that many of the people were Christians who knew the Lord, but they were in night clubs when they died.  Maybe you are asking, "Where does it say in the Bible that it is wrong to dance?"  In James 4:4, the Word of God says: "Do you not realize, you adulteresses, that friendship with the world is enmity toward God?  Therefore, whoever determines to be a friend of the world becomes God's enemy."  Also, in 1 John 2:15-17, "Neither love the world nor the things in the world.  Whoever loves the world has not the Father's love in his heart, because everything in the world, the passions of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the proud display of life have their origin not from the Father but from the world.  And the world with its lust passes away, but he who does the will of God remains for ever."  Remember the world will pass away, all this will perish, but the one who does the will of God stands forever. 
My friends and brothers, when we left this place, we saw something like bridges that divided hell into different sections of torment.  We saw a spirit walking over a footbridge.  It looked just like a doll that we have seen on the Earth; we call them Treasure Trolls.  They have different color hair, with an old man's face but a kid's body; without sexual parts.  Their eyes are full of evil.  The Lord explained that these were spirits of loss.  This spirit had a spear in his hands and was walking pompously on that footbridge, like he was royalty. 
As he walked, he stabbed people down below his spear.  He would curse them saying, "Remember the day you were outside of a Christian church and you did not want to come inside?  Remember the day they preached to you and you did not want to listen?  Remember the day they gave you a gospel tract and you threw it away?"  The lost souls would try to cover the area where their ears used to be.  They would reply to the demon, "Shut up!  Shut up!  Don't tell me anymore!  I don't want to know more, shut up!"  However, the evil spirit enjoyed doing that because of the pain it inflicted on the souls.
BurningWe continued walking with the Lord.  Upon looking at a mass of people, we noticed one man was shouting louder than the others who were burning there.  He was saying, "Father, Father, have mercy on me!"  The Lord was not going to stop to look at this man, but when He heard the words "Father" He shook and turned around.  Jesus looked at him and told him, "Father?  You call me Father? No, I am not your Father and neither are you my son.  If you were my son, you would now be with me in the Kingdom of Heaven.  You are sons of your father the devil."  Immediately a blanket of fire came up and totally covered his body. 
The Lord told us the story of this man's life.  The man called Him Father because he had known Him.  He used to go to church and listen to God through His Word, and he had received many promises of God.  So we asked, "What happened Lord?  Why is he here then?"  The Lord replied, "He was living a double life; he lived one way at home, and another at church.  He thought in his heart, 'Well, there is no one that lives close to me, not the pastor or any other brother, so I can do whatever I want'.  But he forgot that the eyes of the Lord are set on all our ways and that no one can lie or hide from the Lord.
The Word of the Lord tells us, "Don't lie to your selves God can not be deceived.  Because everything a man sows, the same he will harvest."  (Galatians 6:7) This man was suffering a thousand times worse than others.  He was paying a double condemnation: one for his sins, and one for thinking he could deceive the Lord. 
Today, people try to rank the gravity of sins; they think that homosexuals, thieves, and murderers are greater sinners than liars or gossips.  But in the eyes of the Lord, all these sins have the same weight and the same pay.  The Bible tells us, "The wages of sin is death" "the soul that sins will die." (Romans 6:23) (Ezekiel 18:20)  My friends and brothers, I invite you now to accept Jesus' invitation.  Jesus is extending His hand of mercy to you if you repent.  The Word of the Lord tells us that the one that changes his ways and repents will be given mercy.  It is much better to believe now, than to wait and find out the hard way later.  God bless you.

--- (3rd Testimony, Sandra) ---

Let's go to the Word of the Lord in Matthew 10:28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell"
Whenever a soul arrives in hell, that person acquires a body of death.  The Lord Jesus took my hand and we began to go downwards through a very deep dark tunnel that led to the center of the Earth.  We arrived at a place with several doors; one of them opened and we entered with the Lord.  I would not let go of the Lord's hand, because I knew if I did, I would stay in hell forever.
People hung up on wallsUpon entering that door, I saw was an enormous wall.  There were thousands of people hung from their heads by hooks, with shackles that bound their hands to the wall.  We also saw many thousands of people standing in the midst of flames everywhere. 
We went in front of one of the flames and it started to go down slowly.  Soon I could see a person inside, and when he spoke, I could tell it was a man.  The man was wearing a priest's garments, which were totally filthy and shredded.  Worms were slithering inside and out, all over this man's body.  He looked charred and burnt by the fire.  His eyes were plucked out and his flesh was melting and falling to the ground.  But after the flesh would all fall off, it would grow back, and the whole process would resume. 
When he saw Jesus he said, "Lord have mercy on me, have mercy on me!  Please let me out of here just a moment!  Just a minute!"  On this man's chest was a metal plate that read, "I am here for robbery.
When Jesus came close, He asked the man, "What is your name?"  The man answered, "Andrew, my name is Andrew, Lord"  The Lord asked him, "How long you have been here?"  Andrew answered, "I have been here for a very long time."  The man began to tell his story.  He said he had the responsibility of collecting tithes and organizing monetary distribution to the poor in his Catholic church.  However, he would steal the money instead.  With eyes full of compassion, the Lord asked the man, "Andrew, have you ever heard the gospel?"  Andrew replied, "Yes Lord, there was one Christian woman that went to the church and she preached the gospel once, but I didn't want to accept it.  I didn't want to believe it, but I believe it now!  Now I believe that this is real!  Please Lord take me out of here, at least just one moment!
As he was speaking, worms were crawling through his eye sockets, exiting his ears, and coming inside again through his mouth.  He tried to pull them off with his hands but it was impossible.  He was shouting horribly and kept begging God for mercy.  He kept asking Jesus to take him out of that place.  Even worse, there were demons tormenting him, constantly piercing him with their spears.  The demons looked just like one of the toy dolls that we have here on earth called "The Jordanos".  I saw those dolls in hell, but they were not dolls anymore; they were alive and demonic.  They were abut 3 feet tall and had very sharp teeth.  Blood came out of their mouths and their eyes were completely red. 
They were stabbing Andrew with all their might, as well as all of those who were in these parts of hell.  When I observed this, I asked the Lord how was it possible for a doll on the earth, to look exactly like that demon.  The Lord told me that those were spirits of sadness.
As we continued, we saw thousands of people in torment.  Whenever a soul saw the Lord, they tried to reach Him with their skinny hands.  I noticed a woman that started to shout when she saw Jesus.  She screamed, "Lord please have mercy on me!  Take me out of this place!"  She was suffering a lot and she extended her hands towards the Lord.  She kept begging Him to take her out of that place at least just one second.  She was totally naked and covered with mud.  Her hair was all dirty and worms were slithering up and down her body.  She tried to take them off with her hands, but every time she scraped some away they multiplied even more.  The worms were about 6-8 inches long.  The Word of the Lord says in Mark 9:44, "Where their worm never ceases and the fire is not put out"
It was so terrible seeing this woman and hearing her cries as the worms voraciously ate her flesh.  There was a metal plate embedded in her chest that could not be destroyed by the flames.  It read, "I am here for fornication."  In the same manner of her sin, this woman was forced to fornicate in hell with a very disgusting and fat snake.  The snake had huge thorns around its body, about 6-8 inches long.  The snake penetrated her private parts and traveled up her body to her throat.  When the snake entered her, she started to scream. 
She begged the Lord more intensely to take her out of that place, "Lord, I am here for fornication, I have been here for 7 years, since I died from AIDS.  I had six lovers, and I am here for fornication."  In hell she had to repeat her sin over and over.  She had no rest day or night, suffering the same way all the time.  She tried to extend her hands toward the Lord, but the Lord just told her, "Blanca, it is too late for you.  Worms shall be your bed, and worms shall cover you." (Isaiah 14:11)  When the Lord said those words, a blanket of fire covered her, and I could no longer see her.
Lake of FireWe continued walking, seeing thousands and thousands of people.  There were young people, adults and elderly people suffering in torment.  We arrived in a place that looked like a big swimming pool of fire, with thousands of men and women inside of it.  Each of them had metal plate on their chest that read: "I am here for not giving tithes and offerings"  When I read that, I asked the Lord, "Lord, how can this be possible, that people are here for this reason??"  The Lord responded, "Yes, because these people thought that tithes and offerings were not important, when my Word shows it as a command."  In Malachi 3:8-9 it says "Will a man rob God?  Yet you are robbing Me.  But you say, 'How have we robbed Thee?'  In tithes and offerings.  You are cursed with curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you."
The Lord told me that when His people withhold their tithes, it hinders the work of the Lord, and then the Gospel is not preached.  People in this place suffered a thousand times worse than others, because they knew the Word of the Lord and disobeyed.
We continued walking and the Lord showed me a man. I could see from his waist to his head, and I started to have a vision of how he died.  His name was Rogelio.  He was in his car while a person got close to preach the gospel to him, and gave him a Bible.  But Rogelio ignored that person's warning and continued on his way, without knowing that a few minutes later his car would crash.  It fell into a precipice, and he soon died. 
The moment he crashed, the Bible opened to Revelation 21:8, "As for the cowardly, however, and the unbelieving, and the depraved, the murderers, the immoral, those practicing magic arts, and idolaters, and all liars- their lot is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur.  This is the second death."  When Rogelio read this verse, he died and arrived in hell. 
He had only been there one month and still had some flesh on his face.  However, he was suffering like everybody else.  At first, he did not know why he was in Hell.  I think when that Christian got close to his car, it was the only and last chance for him to accept the Lord Jesus.  The same way that many have had the opportunity to accept Him.  Today, I invite you to open your heart to Jesus; He alone is the way, the truth, the life. (John 14:6) Only through Him we can be saved into the Kingdom of Heaven.  (Acts 4:12) The Lord also asks us to follow His ways in holiness and honor.  God bless you.

--- (2nd Testimony, Lupe) ---

God bless you dear beloved brothers.  Let's read the Word of the Lord from Psalms 18:9. "He bowed the heavens and came down; thick darkness was under His feet"  When the Lord reached for my hand, I grabbed His hand and we started to descend down that tunnel.  The tunnel grew darker and darker to the point that I could not even see my other hand, that wasn't holding onto the Lord's hand. 
Suddenly, we passed something dark and sparkling; which was making noise.  The darkness was so dense, your hand could not even find the walls of the tunnel.  Our descent was so fast, that I felt like my soul was separating from my body. 
Soon I noticed a very rotten smell; like the smell of rotten flesh.  It was getting much worse each moment.  Then I heard the voices of millions and millions of souls. They were endlessly shouting, crying out and moaning.  I was so frightened that I turned to the Lord and said, "Lord where are you taking me?  Lord have mercy on me!  Please have mercy on me!"  The Lord only said, "It is necessary that you see this, so you can tell everyone else.
HellWe continued down through this horn-shaped tunnel until we arrived at place that was entirely dark.  Like pulling a heavy curtain from my eyes, I then saw millions and millions of flames.  Even worse, I heard these agonizing screams but couldn't see anyone.  I was really scared.  I said to the Lord, "Oh please Lord have mercy on me!  Oh please Lord have mercy on me! Don't take me to this place!  Forgive me!"  At this time, I didn't think that I was just a spectator in hell, I thought it was the day of reckoning.  Standing before the Lord Jesus, I was shaking violently because I really thought this was the end of my life. 
We drew closer to a big flame ahead of us; it was huge and burning with fury.  I continued going down slowly, seeing multitudes of flames and hearing millions of souls crying with one voice. 
Table with bottlesThen I saw a wooden table that was not being consumed by the fire.  It had what appeared like beer bottles on it.  These looked refreshing, but they were full of fire.  As I was looking at this, a man suddenly appeared.  His flesh was almost completely destroyed and what was left of his clothes were muddy and burning.  He had lost his eyes, mouth, and all his hair from the fire.  He could see me, even though he had no eyes.  I tell you it is the soul of a person that thinks, reasons and truly sees; not your natural body. 
The man extended his skinny hand towards the Lord and started to cry out, saying, "Lord, have mercy on me!  Lord have mercy on me!  I am in pain!  I am burning!  Please have mercy and take me out of this place!"   The Lord looked at him with pity, and I started to feel something warm in my hand.  I looked and it was blood...the blood of Jesus!  The Lord's blood came from His hand while He was watching this suffering man engulfed in flames. 
Then the man turned his gaze in the direction of the table and walked towards the bottles.  He grabbed a bottle but as he was about to drink from it, fire and smoke shot out of the bottle.  He put his head back and screamed like I have never heard before.  He cried with such great pain and sorrow and then started to drink what was in this bottle.  But the bottle was full of acid and his throat was totally destroyed by it.  You could see the acid passing through his stomach and hurting him. 
The number 666 was engraved on the forehead of this man.  On his chest was a plate made of some unknown metal which couldn't be destroyed, not even by the heat or the worms.  It has some letters written on it, but we could not understand them.  The Lord, in His great mercy, gave us an interpretation of what was written.  "I am here because I am a drunkard."  He begged the Lord for mercy, but the Word of God is very clear when it tell us in 1 Corinthians 6:10 "thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God."
The Lord showed me this man's last moments on earth, just like a movie or film.  It was like a big television screen showing me his last seconds before death.  The man's name was Luis and he was in a bar drinking.  I saw the same table and the same bottles in that bar.  Around this table were his friends.  (I can tell you this now, there is only ONE TRUE FRIEND, and His name is JESUS CHRIST.  He is the faithful friend.)  Luis was drinking and his friends were already drunk.  His best friend took a bottle, broke it and started stabbing Luis.  When he saw Luis lying on the floor he ran away, but Luis bled to death on the floor.  The saddest thing was that he died without the Lord. 
In the middle of all this, as all those souls in hell were crying out, I asked the Lord, "Oh Lord, please tell me, did this man know about you?  Did he know about your salvation?"  The Lord sadly replied, "Yes Lupe, he knew about me.  He accepted me as his personal savior, but he did not serve me."  Then I felt even more fear.  Luis cried louder and shouted, "Lord this hurts!  This hurts!  Please have mercy on me!"  He extended his hand again towards the Lord, but Jesus took my hand instead and we walked away from the flame.  The flames consuming Luis became more violent, and he cried louder, "Have mercy on me!  Have mercy on me!!"  He was then lost in the flames. 
We continued walking, this place was just so huge and scary!  We approached another flame and I said to the Lord, "Lord, no!  Please I don't want to see anymore of this! I beg you to forgive me!  Please forgive me!  I don't want to see this!"  So I closed my eyes, but it didn't matter, open or closed I still saw everything.  This flame started to go down slowly and I began to see a woman.  She was covered with mud, and the mud was full of worms.  She had very few hairs left, and she was caked with worm-infested mud.  She was consumed by worms all around and she shouted, "Lord have mercy on me!  Lord have mercy on me and forgive me!  Look at me!  This hurts!  Have mercy on me!  Take away these worms!  Take me out of this torment because it hurts so much!"  The Lord simply looked at her with great sorrow.  As we held His hand, we could feel the pain and sorrow in the Lord's heart for all the lost souls, eternally burning in the flames of hell. 
This woman had no eyes or lips, but she could still see and feel; all the pain was just stronger.  She had a bottle in her hands, full of acid, but she believed it was perfume.  I could see that it was acid and every time she sprayed her body, it burned her.  Nevertheless, she still kept applying this acid on her body over and over.  She kept saying that it was an expensive perfume.  She also believed that she was wearing a beautiful necklace, but all I saw were serpents wrapped around her neck.  She believed that she was wearing very expensive bracelets, but I saw they were actually worms, about a foot long, furiously digging into her bones.  She said that her jewelry was all she had, but I saw scorpions and worms all over her body.  She had a metal plate, that everyone wears in hell. It read "I am here for robbery.
This woman had no remorse for her sin.  The Lord asked her, "Magdalena, why are you in this place?"  She answered, "It didn't bother me to steal from others.  The only thing I cared about was having my jewelry and getting more expensive perfumes.  I didn't care who I robbed, as long as I looked good.
I held onto Christ's hand as I saw the worms burrow through her entire body.  Magdalena turned around looking for something.  I asked the Lord once more, "Lord, did this person know about you?"  And the Lord answered, "Yes, this person knew me.
Magdalena started to look around, saying, "Lord where is that woman who talked to me about You?  Where is she?  I have been in hell for 15 years."  All people in hell can remember everything.  Magdalena kept asking, "Where is this woman?  I can't see her!"  I knew her body could not turn around because her flesh remained in the same position.  She tried to turn and look into other flames, to find that woman who talked to her about God.  The Lord replied, "No!  No, Magdalena, she is not here.  That woman that told you about Me is with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Upon hearing this, she threw herself down in the flames and which burned her even more.  Her metal plate condemned her as a thief.  I want you to read in the Word of the Lord in Isaiah 3:24. "It shall be, that instead of a sweet smell, there will be rottenness; instead of a girdle, a rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, a wrapping of sack-cloth; instead of beauty, a branding mark."
As we continued walking with the Lord, I saw a very big column filled with worms.  Around it was a slide made of red-hot metal.  On this column there was a brightly-lit billboard that could be seen from anywhere.  The Billboard read, "Welcome all liars and gossipers."  At the end of the slide was a small boiling lagoon.  It looked like burning brimstone.  Then I saw a totally naked person coming down the slide.  As they slid, their skin would peel off and stick to the slide.  When they fell into the burning lagoon, their tongue expanded until it exploded and worms appeared in place of the tongue.  This began their torment.  The Word of God says in Psalm 73:18-19 "Surely you did set them in slippery places: you cast them down into destruction.  How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors."
After seeing this, we were taken back, out of Hell.  I just want to tell you that Heaven and Hell are even more real than this physical world that we know.  It is here where you decide what direction you want to go; to spend eternity with Jesus or to a burning hell.  The Lord kept saying to us, "Without holiness no man will see me, without holiness no man will see me."  (Hebrews 12:14) That is why I tell you the same thing now, "Without holiness you can not see the Lord."